Waiting Parents: Tyler and Lauren

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about us. We are Tyler, Lauren, and Eli. We can’t imagine what you’re experiencing right now, but we hope you feel supported and loved through every part of your journey. If you choose us to be your child’s parents, we want you to know we will provide them with a stable, caring home and unconditional love.

We met in 2016 and quickly connected over our love for baseball, books, games, coffee, and family. We’ve now been married for six years, and our greatest blessing has been our son, Eli. He is full of joy, music, and questions. We love seeing the world through his eyes, showing him some of our favorite things, and learning more about the things that interest him. We especially can’t wait for him to be a big brother. We’ve always dreamed of having a large family, but we’ve struggled to have children. Both of us have always been interested in adopting, and we feel now is the right time to pursue it. We have open minds and hearts, and we’re so ready to grow our family.
Tyler is a custom home builder, merging his creativity with his engineering background to make complex homes come to life. He’s been a member of a bowling team with some friends for over six years, and he also loves learning Spanish and playing music. Throughout his life, he’s learned to play the saxophone, piano, drums, violin, and the very basics of guitar. He and Eli can often be found on our piano bench singing and playing together.

Lauren was a children’s librarian, but now loves being a stay-at-home mom for Eli and his future siblings. We make good use of memberships to the zoo, Perot Museum, and flight museum, and love any excuse to visit the library. In her spare time, Lauren is always in the middle of at least one book, and also loves gardening, baseball, games, and finding ways to spend time outside.
As a family, we love to go on adventures together, whether it’s checking out a new park, going to Rangers games, going camping, or just walking new paths through our neighborhood with our dogs. We prioritize eating meals together as a family, and we try to never leave the table without everyone saying what they’re grateful for that day.
Our home is in a charming, tree-lined neighborhood in Northwest Dallas, and we have a large backyard for playing. We often go to the neighborhood pool and park, just a 5-minute walk down the street. Our neighborhood also has its own Fourth of July parade, Christmas carol hayride, and many more yearly traditions. We love feeling like part of a small community in the midst of the larger city. We also love the school district, which has over 200 school choices and no zoning, so there’s a school that fits each child’s needs. Our son recently started Pre-K in a Montessori dual-language program through the school district and absolutely loves it.

We attend a Presbyterian church near our home, and our whole family looks forward to Sunday mornings. Eli has gotten brave enough to answer questions during the children’s sermon and loves when we sing a song he knows the words to. While he attends Sunday School, Tyler and Lauren participate in a parent’s group that allows us to build community and discuss topics related to faith and parenting.
Lauren’s parents, grandparents, and many aunts and uncles live in the metroplex, so we see them regularly. We also frequently get to see her cousins and their young kids. We make an annual trip to Michigan to visit Tyler’s immediate and extended family, and his parents just purchased the house right across the street, with plans to split their time between Dallas and Michigan. We also take an annual vacation with Tyler’s sister, which gives Eli lots of time to play with his older cousin. We highly value quality time with our family and feel so blessed that Eli gets so much time with his grandparents and family – even a great-great aunt!
We created a family mission statement to guide our choices and actions as a family, and we feel it represents the way we love and raise our children:
Our family strives to provide support and encouragement to each other; prioritize communication; eat, play, and relax together; be a part of and give back to our community; and make ourselves and others feel valued and loved. We will act with patience, excellence, and integrity.
We understand the weight of the decision you’re making, and we admire your courage and strength. If you choose us, we promise your child will be loved unconditionally, not just by us, but by our extended family and friends.
Thank you again for considering us. We wish you peace and comfort during this time.
With love,
Tyler, Lauren, and Eli