Waiting Parents: Tyler and Kayla

Hello, we are Kayla and Tyler and Beaux.

Seven years ago we went out with friends thinking it was a normal Monday. Little did we know our lives had changed forever. We noticed each other immediately. Tyler was laid back and quiet and Kayla was bubbly and silly. Two days later our dating journey started, and two years afterward we became Mr. & Mrs. Our favorite life adventure has been becoming parents.

Daniel, Mary, and Samuel

We started our journey in parenthood when Beaux came into our lives through adoption in 2023. He has brought the most indescribable joy to our lives. Truly, his birth mom is someone we love dearly for her choice and sacrifice. We have chosen to adopt again because we love being parents and we want to add to our family. Adoption has been part of our plan since we started dating. We are passionate about the hope that adoption can bring to everyone involved. We view first-families as extensions of the adoptive family and would love to have an open adoption with a naturally evolving relationship.

Daily life as a family looks a little vanilla but we love our routine. Tyler works as a physical therapy assistant and Kayla is a stay-at-home mom. During the week we both volunteer with the high school ministry at our church. On Saturdays we love to sleep-in, make yummy breakfasts and work on projects around the house. On Sundays we usually go to church, then spend time with family. Kayla’s family live close and see each other every week. Tyler’s family is spread out but we travel often to see one another. Family and friends are very important in our lives. We believe that people are worth taking time for and loving others is our purpose in life.

If you have any questions about us – feel free to ask! We are both pretty open and happy to talk.