Waiting Parents: Roxana and Daniel

Daniel and I met while Daniel was working as an EMT/Firefighter and I handled all 911 emergency calls. After many months of flirting over the phone, Daniel finally decided to win me over with pizza and his charm. He came over to the sheriff’s office to ask me out, and it worked! We were married a year and a half later in February of 2015. We have both always desired to adopt and to have a big family, but after 2 years of trying to conceive, and through much prayer, we knew why God had put adoption in our hearts many years before. We believe this was always God’s plan for us; we just had to wait for His time. We adopted Jonathan through Lifetree in 2018. Jonathan brings us so much joy, and we adore him tremendously. Our little boy is almost 3 and we are so ready to grow our family again. Jonathan loves playing with cousins and has been asking for a sister, a brother, as well as a chicken any chance he gets. He enjoys snuggling and playing with baby cousins.

About Daniel by Roxana:
Daniel is a very kind, loving, funny, and a most caring man who puts others’ needs in front of his own. He graduated from Texas A&M just like the rest of his family. He owns and operates his own farm and ranch operation, as well as lends a hand on his family’s farm. He enjoys watching baseball, spending time with his family, being on the farm with his horses and cows, as well as helping out at church. His hard work, determination, and his faith in God are a few traits that I admire most and some that I know he will pass down to your child. Daniel is an amazing hands on father with Jonathan. I enjoy watching their bond grow with each day that passes.
About Roxana by Daniel:
Roxana is a hardworking and compassionate person. She has a smile that can brighten anyone’s day. Roxana’s job as a dispatcher for the sheriff’s office allows her to do what she loves the most, help people in their time of greatest need. She has a deep love of God. She loves playing with our son, nephews and cousins, spending time with family, hiking, and playing with our dogs. She is what keeps me going on the hard days. Her kind heart and loving personality are what make her a great mom.

About Jonathan by Roxana and Daniel
Jonathan is a very smart and funny little boy. He enjoys playing with tractors, going to work with daddy to ride in the tractor, feeding and playing with the farm animals, reading many books, drawing, being a cowboy by wearing his hat and pretending to lasso his stuffed cow, and playing with cousins and friends. Jonathan is so excited to become a big brother we have been reading books to try to prepare him for the transition.
Our fur babies:
We have 2 adorable fluffy dogs, named Lilly and Molly. Lilly is a 10yr old poodle mix who loves to run, chase after tennis balls, and car rides. Molly is our adorable 4yr old shitzu mix who is full of energy and loves to play with everyone.

We live out in the country on 110 acres in a 4 bedroom 2 bath house with an office and a playroom in one bedroom. There is plenty of space to run around and play. Both of our families live in the same town as us, with Daniel’s family living 7 miles away and our friends from our community living nearby. We are thankful and blessed to have friends and family nearby that are ready to lend a hand if the need were to arise.
We are truly grateful for the opportunity to introduce ourselves and share our lives with you. We cannot begin to imagine what you must be thinking, feeling, and experiencing as you enter this adoption journey. We admire your courage and strength as you make the decision to choose adoption and choose life for your child. We want you to know that we are praying for you as you seek God’s will for you and your child. We want you to know that we will love your child unconditionally, and we will always provide for him or her with all the love and joy we can possibly give. Your child will always know where he or she came from and will be raised with the understanding and appreciation of the sacrifice you are making for him or her and will always know the love you have for him or her as well.