Waiting Parents: Rebecca and Robert

Its Robert and Rebecca! We are very excited to grow our family through adoption. We thank you for taking the time to consider us in your adoption journey and hope that getting to know us more will help you in your decision. Decisions in life can be difficult, our hope is that you will see/feel our love for each other, our families, our values and traditions, so that your decision will come with a sense of peace and reassurance that we were connected through Lifetree for a greater purpose that goes beyond you and us… for your child. We promise to love, spoil, educate, provide for, and instill values and traditions for your child.

We have been married since 2012, met working in the hospital together. From the day we met, we knew we were empathetic, caring, compassionate and wanted to share a life together. We have enjoyed blending our Minnesota and Texas cultures together, Rebecca from Minnesota and Robert is from Texas. We have two min pins, Cooper and Tonka. We live in Minnesota on a beautiful lake. We enjoy traveling to visit our families in Minnesota and Texas as well as host for birthdays, holidays, summer weekends, sporting events.
Robert is a hard worker, see opportunities as a time for growth. He is a true family man, loves his Dallas Cowboys, making homemade asado, tamales, tortillas. Rebecca is caring, down to heart, loves her Minnesota Vikings, Disney, coaching volleyball. Cooper and Tonka are miniature pinchers, from different litters/families however you would not be able to tell because their love for each other is unconditional.

We are excited to add a stroller to our walks, car seat to our road trips, crib to our home, highchair to our dinner table, and most of all fill a special place in our hearts and yours.
With love,
Robert & Rebecca