Waiting Parents: Nina and Alfonso

Hello! We are Nina, Alfonso, JJ and Levi. We are beyond thankful that you have taken the time to meet our family. We admire your courage in making this difficult decision of choosing the right adoptive family for your baby.

We started dating while still in High School back in 2007. We continued to date and have now been married for 11 years. We welcomed our oldest son Jonathan (JJ) in 2013. After having a smooth pregnancy we decided to try again in 2016 but unfortunately we experienced 2 miscarriages within that year. After waiting we finally welcomed Levi in early 2018.
Nina is a natural nurturer. From her days of working with kids at the Boys & Girls Club and always wanting to go above and beyond to care for them, to being a mother. Her selfless love towards others is the glue to our family and truly shows how she is prepared to welcome any child with that same love into our home.

Alfonso (Fonz) is a hard-working, dedicated, and loving daddy and husband. He is a hands-on kinda guy who helps around the house, raising our kids, and making sure that we are always taken care of. His priority is always his family, when it comes to the boys activities, school or supporting our personal dreams and goals, he is always there rooting for us. I know that when the time comes to grow our family, this baby will have all the love and support from him to be and do great things.
Let me introduce you to Mr JJ. He is the most social and outgoing kiddo you will ever meet. He loves history and most of all baseball history. The most important attribute of all is how he helps protect and lead his younger brother and in his words “He is ready to lead and care for any baby that comes to our home.”

Meet Mr Levi, he is the rambunctious one of the family. He brings all the laughs and fun into everything, from the random things he says, to the nicknames he gives himself. He loves to play with dinosaurs, board games, but most of all practice Baseball in the garage with his big brother.
It’s something we’ve wanted since Nina was younger working at the Boys & Girls Club. We would talk about our future and the idea of having a child that we could adopt and love unconditionally. We had gone through 2 miscarriages before we had Levi, during that time of loss, the conversation came up about our adoption plan. We decided that we would try for another baby and no matter which route that pregnancy took, we would start our adoption journey.