Waiting Parents: Josh and Candace
We have thought and prayed about adoption for some time. We realize now that we are ready to shower a baby with our love, to care for him or her, to teach them, and experience every up and down along the way. This letter is intended to tell you a little bit about us and give you an idea of the life our child would have.
We have been together for fourteen years, and married for ten. We love each other unconditionally, and we will love our child unconditionally as well. Our faith teaches us that adopted children have all the same rights as biological children and are due the same love and affection, because we are the adopted children of God.
No matter what your decision is, know that we are praying for you and your child. Thank you for taking the time to consider us.

How it all started
My wife and I went on our first date on Valentine’s Day during our senior year in high school. I had noticed her around school for a while, but she was dating someone. One day I saw her talking with some friends of mine, so I made a point to join the conversation and introduce myself. Come to find out, she had recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend. My friends encouraged me to ask her out for Valentine’s Day, and I was happy to do so. Over the next week I asked our mutual friends to tell me anything they could to help me knock her socks off. I found out who her favorite singer was and that she had a thing for frogs. When I picked her up for our date, I had her favorite music playing on my radio and brought her a stuffed frog (I think she was impressed). We began speaking on the phone and hanging out with each other at school. Before long, I asked her to be my girlfriend. The rest is history.

Josh is 32 years old. He was born and raised in Central Texas. In high school he played football, wrestled, and was an officer in the FFA. He has a Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice with a minor in Wildlife Management. He works for the federal government as a Park Ranger. He enjoys the outdoors, working with his hands, and watching good movies. He works hard at his job, but also at home. He is a family man and would do anything to help a loved one.
Candace is also 32 and was born and raised in Central Texas. In high school she played softball and tennis. She graduated in the top ten percent of a class of 511 students. She is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelors Degree in Nursing. She is known for her creativity, outgoing personality, and compassion for others. She is the type of person strangers tell their whole life story to. She enjoys crafts, board games, and live entertainment.

Our Home
We live in a 4 bedroom, 2 bath ranch style house. It is around 2,000 square feet and has a formal dinning room and two car garage. There is a paved driveway around the side of the house that leads to a 625 square foot shop. The backyard is fully fenced. We get along great with our neighbors and there are a lot of children in the neighborhood. Our neighborhood is known for trick-or-treating and Christmas light gazing during the holidays. There is also a park and the city swimming pool is within two blocks of our house.

Daisy is a 9 year old Bassett Hound. She is a great dog!

Goose is a Chocolate Lab. He was born April 1, 2016.