Waiting Parents: Jessica and Jason

Hi! We are Jason, Jessica, Samuel, and Jack, and we have known for many years that God would grow our family through adoption. We have no doubt it takes tremendous courage to make this decision. Thank you in advance for the love you offer and the life you have shared. We hope that these words and pictures can give you a snapshot of our heart, values, and journey.

In Jessica’s words:
My favorite thing about Jason is his sense of humor. It is what I fell in love with first when we began dating. As the years have moved along, I am in awe of his loyalty, patience, and work ethic. Even after a long day of work as a counselor, he finds the energy to wash the dishes for me every night after dinner, play with the kids, read books to them, and tuck them into bed.
In Jason’s words:
Jessica is the kindest, most gentle soul I have ever met. Jessica dazzles as she balances life as a mom who stays home with our boys while teaching courses online for a major University. She loves reading to the kids, taking them to the local parks, seeing our friends and family, spending time outdoors gardening, hiking, and exploring new parts of our world. I am so blessed to have her as my wife and our children are incredibly blessed to call her “mom”.

Both Samuel and Jack are very excited about including a new baby in our family. These two sweet boys are kind, gentle, and full of energy. A new precious addition will have two older siblings to protect her, love her, laugh with her, and be her friend forever.
We love our community! We live in a quiet neighborhood that has a “country” feel to it, but is very convenient to city life. Our community is ranked one of the safest in Texas. Our neighborhood has two playgrounds, two pools and miles of safe paths for biking. There are always children outside having fun. Jason works only ten minutes from our home, so we get more time together as a family.

Having fun is a big part of our lives! We love going to the movies, sporting events and water parks in the summertime. As a family we value exercise, being in nature, and sunshine. This means riding bikes, hiking, gardening, and going to the local playground. Spending quality time together as a family is very important to us. We love playing board games, building puzzles, listening to music, and reading books together. Our family loves serving others with our church.
It takes a very strong and special person to choose adoption for their child. We are so grateful that you would take the time to learn more about our family. We hope that you see we are two people, committed to one another forever, who have experienced raising children successfully, and have so much more love and provision to give. Your child will be loved beyond measure by us, siblings, grandparents, our church, and friends. We will raise your child to know who you are and appreciate the sacrifice you have made for them. Thank you again for considering us!