Waiting Parents: David and Rachel

How we met
Hey, we’re David and Rachel! We met at a church Bible study and two years later were married. We love to travel and serve in the church, sometimes doing both at the same time. Unfortunately, we had difficulties conceiving our first child and eventually dedicated our non-working time to spending it with our extended family and serving the church. God had a wonderful surprise for us after 15 years of marriage, a baby girl was brought into our lives.

About David (by Rachel)
Dave works as a computer engineer. He loves learning and teaching (mostly at church), movies, books, Legos, computer games, crafting and all things aerospace. He not only creates Halloween costumes and sews, but also enjoys woodworking and gardening. He is the family chef and family photographer, much preferring to be behind the camera and not in the pictures. His favorite time of day is picking Kathryn up from school and showing her new experiences. David is also fluent in Spanish, having grown up in Latin America.
About Rachel (by David)
Rachel works as a speech-language pathologist in hospitals focusing on adults. She is a true Texan being able to trace her family to the first pioneers. She is an avid reader who enjoys historical fiction, mysteries, and sci-fi/fantasy books, when she is not reading an actual book, you can find her listening to one on her daily commute. She is one of the most sensitive and caring people I know and loves to spend time with family members, baking, and watching corny Christmas Hallmark movies. After marrying David, Rachel has learned to speak Spanish.

About Kathryn
Kat is a typical young child who loves to play pretend, loves to have books read to her, and especially loves Mickey Mouse and his friends. She is very talkative and enjoys playing mama and teaches things to all her stuffed animals. She prays every day for a sister or brother and really gets sad when she must leave her cousins.
We have a lot of family and cousins that we see frequently for holidays and birthdays. One grandmother comes over weekly and another we video chat with several times a week. We love traveling, some of our favorite places are Florida, Colorado, El Salvador, and Guatemala. We love attending comic book and sci-fi conventions, amusement parks, local festivals (for example: Texas Scottish Festival, Peach Festival, Irish Festival) and playing board games with friends and family. We are also very active in the Hispanic church we attend. We can’t wait for the opportunity to bring another life and personality into our loving home.

Thank you for considering our family to place your child. You are so brave and strong. We cannot imagine the emotions that must come and go constantly as you carry your child. Rachel’s brother placed his child when he was very young. It was heartbreaking and yet there was hope. It was a closed adoption, so we know nothing of him now, but we know it was the right decision for my brother’s son.
We trust that God has His plan for you and for your child. God will show you who to choose. And if you have several choices, that means God supports any of those choices. Listen to the Spirit and your heart.
We are praying for you, Love Dave and Rachel