Waiting Parents: Brooke and Andrew

Thank you for taking the time to get to know us! We are Andrew, Brooke and Lola (our dachshund) and we are so grateful for you taking the time to get to know a little about us. We cannot imagine what you are going through as you look for potential adoptive parents. We hope that you feel supported and loved no matter where you are at in your journey. We admire you so much for choosing life and for considering adoption.

Our story:
Andrew and I met on a blind date at Top Golf that was set up by two of our close friends. We instantly knew that we were meant to be together and have loved each other for four years. One of our most rewarding experiences as a couple was when we planned our wedding in two weeks and got to get married in front of our families and closet friends. God allowed every detail to fall into place effortlessly and it was by far filled with some of our most favorite memories that we will cherish and share forever.
Our careers:
Andrew is a Major in the United States Army and is a Police Officer as well. I am very proud of the work that he does to serve and help others. I am a Kindergarten teacher and I have been teaching for 16 years and look forward to pouring into our child. We both love what we do and look forward to sharing our passions as a family.

We haven’t been able to have children and have prayed since adoption was put on our hearts many years ago. We have been excited about this journey and can’t wait for the day we get to meet and share our lives with a child. We plan to talk about your love for them and how the decision to place them for adoption was for their best interest. We promise to love them and raise them in a Christian home.
We feel that we both naturally see the positive in people. Andrew tends to lead with logic and strategy and Brooke is very empathetic. We love seeing others succeed and genuinely find joy in seeing our loved ones happy.
Andrew loves the adventures that he has had with Brooke, but this next season of life he is excited for the most! Brooke is kind, supportive, loving, and nurturing. I know Brooke will be a phenomenal Mom.
I love sharing my time with Andrew. He inspires me to be my best self and pursue by dreams. He is genuinely my best friend and I love spending time with him. Andrew is smart, generous, kindhearted, and loving. He will be an amazing Dad who will give endless love, compassion, and patience.

We enjoy going to church, family fun gatherings, playing card and board games, we love enjoying yummy restaurant finds, having fun with outside activities with our dog Lola, bike rides together, exercising, and gardening in our backyard.
Lola is a sweet thirteen year old long-haired Dachshund. She was adopted at 3 months old and has been such a joy to our family. She is very smart and lovable. She loves family time and being with her people. She enjoys playing with her toys, sleeping, going for walks and car rides, and reading books with her momma to her kindergarten students.
Family is very important in our lives. We are both very close to our parents and friends. We love to spend time together and making memories. We love our people. We have a tight-knit community of family and friends who are praying for our family.
One of my favorite experiences as a couple was when Andrew took me to California to meet his family. It was a first for many firsts for me. Andrew had so much fun introducing me to his family. I fell in love with his parents and had so much fun getting to know his family and friends. Each day was filled with exciting adventures and many memories that we will both cherish forever.
We both are very big goal-setters and love to put our faith in God’s BIG plans! Together, we would love to create a family together. We dream of being able to be parents and share all our favorite things with our kids. We are excited to build a life together and create memories. It would be amazing to be able to travel around the United States. It would be a dream to be able to share those memories as a family.
Thank you again for considering us to become parents for your child. Know that we are praying for you and your sweet baby, and that God will fill you with peace in whatever decision you make. We are eagerly awaiting to grow our family.
Love, Andrew and Brooke