Waiting Parents: Brian and Amanda

Dear precious mama, you are a child of God and are carrying one of His children, what an honor you have been given and the Lord will honor you in your decision to give life to this baby girl. Yes, we said girl because we feel the Lord has specifically called us to adopt a baby girl. We have both had dreams, and He has given us a name for this child, which means “Joyful Promise of God.” We have been praying for you and your baby’s health the moment adoption was laid on our hearts by the Lord. We hope we will be able to share with you everything the Lord has done to prepare you and us for this process.

We are Brian, Amanda, Brynlee, and Lawson and we are excited to give you a window into our life and the life your baby girl will live. We live in a West Texas community, which we love because of the hospitality and love for others. Brian is originally from the Dallas area, but his job brought the family to Amanda’s hometown. Adoption is especially important in our family. Brian’s grandmother was adopted. Amanda’s great-grandmother was adopted. Amanda’s Aunt was adopted. Amanda’s cousin has adopted a baby boy. We love babies in our family and want to love them in all the ways the Lord has called us to love them.
Brian and Amanda have been married for 15 years and both our parents have been married for over 35+ years. We met in school while attending a mission trip meeting and the rest is history. Brian’s job allows him to help people, which is his desire and passion in life. Amanda is a stay-at-home mom, who loves to do things for her family and be present and available when her kids need her. She is super excited to have the opportunity to love another child and devote her time to love and nurture her. We are blessed to have Amanda’s large family close by and enjoy getting together with them as much as possible. We love to laugh and have fun!

We were blessed to have Brynlee shortly after we were married. A few years later, Lawson joined our family (fun fact, Lawson was born on Amanda’s birthday.) The kids attend a private school and are active in sports and have a great community of friends. Brynlee is a sweet soul, who enjoys volleyball, basketball, and track. Lawson is full of life and has fun playing football and baseball. They are both excited to have a baby sister and look forward to being a supportive big sister and big brother. Their only Christmas request last year was to have another sibling.
As a family, we love taking trips together, going to the lake, swimming, and supporting each other in all events. We enjoy the outdoors, playing games and attending sporting events. We are active in our church and have been blessed with many great friends and family. We formerly were directors of our Sunday school class and then taught Sunday school for the High School Junior class. Brian has coached Brynlee and Lawson in soccer and baseball and loves to see all the kids he has coached excel and become the best they can be. We love pouring into children of all ages and want them to know their value and their identity in Christ.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know our family. We believe whole heartedly the Lord has prepared us and confirmed our steps to nurture and love another child like yours. We would be honored to be chosen to love her and raise her. We vow to speak of you and for her to know how much you loved her to give her the best life you could give her. We admire your sacrificial love and would be so blessed to meet you and love your child unconditionally. We fully believe the Lord will give you a peace that you cannot understand as you trust a family to raise a part of your heart. We would be honored if it were us!
Brian, Amanda, Brynlee, and Lawson