Waiting Parents: Bernadette and Mike

Hello! We are Bernadette and Mike and we’re so grateful you found our profile! We admire you so much for what you’re going through now and want to thank you for being one of the strongest women we know. We’ve always wanted a family, and when we were preparing for marriage we talked about adopting. Our journey of infertility these past 6.5 years has allowed us to experience a love that endures all things and has only increased our desire to share this love with a little one. We have so much love to give and know that God has been preparing our hearts and home for the great gift of adopting. We thank you for viewing our profile!

We actually met on a Christian dating site! Both of us desired to meet someone who shared our same beliefs and after a short few weeks, Mike asked Bernadette out for our first date. We talked for over three hours and barely touched the meals we ordered! Our similar upbringings and commitment to core values instantly drew us together, with frequent moments of exclaiming, “No way! You too?!” We dated for 8 months, were engaged 8 months, and have now been married for 6 and a half years.
We’re both very close to our families and love to either have them over to our home or go visit them as often as we can. We also have many wonderful friends who we love to share life with and are so excited for us and this new chapter! We both love sports and enjoy playing tennis together, going for walks, and hiking.

Bernadette loves to help make our Cape Cod house a home with decorating and baking. She enjoys reading, playing the flute, and visiting with friends and family as well. Mike is a gardener who’s made it possible for us to grow most of our own vegetables from our 1 acre of land! He also loves to play board games with his siblings and friends and work on home projects – like recently painting, wallpapering, and putting the final touches on our crib in the nursery. We also like traveling to see our 5 nieces, 2 nephews, and 8 Godchildren.
Mike works as a marketer for a company that helps lawyers start their own practice or improve the one they already have – most especially by helping them have more time to spend with family. He has a very strategic mind and excels at what he does. Bernadette also does marketing and communications for a small graduate school and loves the team she gets to work with. We’re both blessed that we get to work from home full time and look forward to Bernadette becoming a full-time mom, with Mike getting to have all 3 meals with us and help throughout the day as needed.

We look forward to welcoming a little one into our hearts and home to love and care for them with all that we have. Your child is a gift from God that we hope to love, safeguard, nourish, and provide for, using all that God has given us. Your sacrifice and love is the legacy we want to share with your child all the days of his/her life. We thank you for viewing our profile!