Waiting Parents: Barbara and Victor
We’re Barbara and Victor, and we’ve been writing our love story for 14 years now!

Since we were dating, we’ve always dreamed of raising two children. In 2014, after a successful round of IVF, we welcomed our son. When he was two, we decided we were ready to add a second child to our family. We went through another round of IVF and got pregnant with our daughter. After a relatively uncomplicated pregnancy, we were ecstatic to welcome our baby girl into the world and complete our little family. Unfortunately, a very rare, but life-threatening complication arose during her birth and she tragically did not survive. Losing our daughter has been the most painful journey in our lives. However, after a lot of reflection and healing, and with the support of our family and friends, we’ve decided to grow our family by one more through the beautiful gift of adoption!
We are an incredibly close and caring family (immediate and extended!), and we hope you’ll see the love we have to offer another baby throughout the pages of our profile book.
We admire your courage, the deep love you have for the child growing in your womb, and the dreams you will help make a reality. Thank you for taking the time to get to know more about us. We wish you all the best in your pregnancy and the future.

Victor and Barbara met through mutual friends. We were both working on our degrees, but in two different cities. We quickly fell in love and learned a lot about communication through our long-distance relationship. We feel it helped create a rock-solid foundation for our now 11-year marriage! We are best friends and make an incredible parenting team.
A proud second-generation Texan, Victor has lived in several cities across the state. He is the second of four children in his family (oldest son). Victor has the best smile and laugh. Victor holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and works in Human Resources. He loves helping people grow in their careers. He is an outstanding dad. He enjoys playing with our son and using their imaginations together to have fun. He is very loving and generous.

A proud first-generation Texan, Barbara has a personality that fills the room. She is the oldest of three children (only daughter) and enjoys watching her son play with his cousins and grandparents (all local). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and a master’s degree in Liberal Studies. She graduated with top honors for both degrees and has always loved learning. A writer by nature, she works in the Marketing department for a large company and enjoys getting to be creative. She loves being a mom – more than anything! She is a very nurturing person and enjoys creating fun memories for her.
Our son is the pride and joy of our lives! We call him our “sunshine” because he truly lights up our days. He is smart as a whip, has a great sense of humor and has the biggest heart. He is funny, kind and creative. He loves everything related to fire trucks. He can name every single part of a fire truck and aspires to be a firefighter when he grows up. He also loves LEGOs and playing outside. He cannot wait to be a big brother again!

Our daughter is very much an important part of our family, even though she is no longer here with us on Earth. Her short, but amazingly beautiful life has impacted so many people in such a positive way, and we are so proud of that. We participate in many community service opportunities to honor her and keep her memory alive. She is our guardian angel and we knew she had a huge hand in saving Barbara’s life during childbirth. We talk about her often and love looking at the beautiful images and mementos we have of her.
As a family, we love making memories together! We love traveling and being outside. We’ve gone camping several times and enjoy exploring different areas of the state. We’ve also visited the beaches in Florida, California and South Texas. We love going to the State Fair of Texas every year. We go all out for birthday parties and other special celebrations. We attend baseball games regularly. Every May, we go to east Texas and pick peaches and blackberries together. We love baking, eating pizza on Fridays and playing board games. Every Christmas, we cut down our tree together with our dear friends and their three kids. We like to do random acts of kindness as a family and volunteer together.

Thank you!
One of our favorite poem verses says, “From here, there’s but one place to go – surrendering to love’s unstoppable flow.” We can’t wait to surrender our love to our next child! We can’t wait to welcome another sweet baby into our home and our lives – the way we’ve always dreamed of. Thank you for making that a possibility for us. Thank you for helping our family heal and keep moving forward. There are truly no words to express how grateful we are for you.