Waiting Parents: Adam and Sarah
We are honored you stopped by! We are Adam, Sarah and Oliver and are currently located in beautiful Northern Idaho. We know that there is a lot running through your mind right now, but as you scroll through our words and pictures, we pray that you know you are loved and supported and always will be.

Adoption was always part of our plan. Within a few months of dating, I sprung it on Adam that I wanted to adopt. I was not sure what to expect but was pleasantly surprised when he didn’t even blink an eye but said “sounds great!” Of course, he added “when it’s time to have children” – which was completely fair.
We began the adoption process in 2018, and in 2019 Oliver’s sweet birth mama chose us to parent her child. I cried when I saw him on the sonogram screen and we both bawled when he entered this world. As the nurses were bustling around taking care of the baby and Mama S, I felt my heart being torn. Did I check on the baby or go stay with Mama S as she recovered? The world froze as I surveyed the room and thanked God for the blessing of adoption, of Mama S and her selfless love of this sweet baby boy – who now calls us Mom and Dad.
In 2021, we began to feel that stir in our hearts again. We knew it was time to begin the process. In 2022, we moved from Colorado to Idaho and due to different state laws, we had to place our adoption journey on hold. Even with a “pause” we knew that God was leading us down the right path – after all He never steers us wrong.
Adoption did not just bring Oliver into our lives. It brought a love that we never knew possible. It brought laughter over silly things, patience, grace, and answered prayers. We know how special adoption is and the love that it truly takes.

About Adam
There are just certain people that make you want to be a better version of yourself each day. Adam is that person. He is my biggest supporter, my shoulder to cry on, and can always make me laugh. He has a kind and giving heart, a soft spot for animals and my baking, and is the most dedicated person you will ever meet. He gives his all for his family, friends and career, and trusts God’s plan. He’s patient, views things outside of the box, and is an amazing father, my best friend, and a wonderful human-being.
About Sarah
What can one say about the love of my life and my best friend? Sarah is kind, sweet, loving, caring, and a wonderful mother. She’s steadfast in her beliefs as well as her opinions. She makes me laugh every day. I thank the good Lord for letting me wake up in the morning with her beside me. She makes me so much of a better person each and every day.

About Oliver
Oliver is so excited to be a big brother and when you ask him if he wants a brother or sister, he says he wants five of them! He has the sweetest, kindest heart, loves to help, is so curious, and loves God and Jesus. His favorite songs are Confidence by Sanctus Real and Jesus Loves Me. He is a fish in the water, a bookworm, and a problem-solver. Daddy and Cricket are Oliver’s best friends, but he’ll take any opportunity to bake or go for a hike with Mom. He gives the best snuggles and has a laugh that can make anyone’s heart smile.
Quick fun facts
- We met in 2004 over a game of Jenga
- We were married in 2010 in Crested Butte, CO – just twenty minutes from where we met
- Adam loves to fish and has fished in five different countries and 16 states
- Sarah has coached middle school tennis and volleyball, and t-ball
- Christmas is our favorite holiday
- We love to travel
- We have one dog (Cricket) and two cats (Roxy and Masie)
- The good Lord moved us to northern Idaho mid-2022, and it was the best move ever for us!