
Lifetree Adoption Blog

6 tips to prepare for the adoption journey

6 Tips to Prepare for the Adoption Journey

The path to adoption is different for every family, and none of those paths are straight and easy. Adopting a baby is an incredible moment for any family, but the process leading up to that moment you hold your new baby is always long and difficult. You’ll ride an emotional roller coaster, so it’s important to work with an agency that’s experienced enough to know […]

You’re not giving up – you’re choosing a better future

You’re not giving up… You’re choosing a better future!

The most common phrase associated with adoption is “giving up” a child for adoption – but that’s such a negative phrase. You’re not giving your child up, you’re choosing a better future for your child. You’re giving an amazing gift to another family. You’re making people’s lives change for the better.

For many years, adoption was a dark secret of our society, but the public […]

The BBB wrote an amazing story about Lifetree!

The BBB wrote an amazing story about Lifetree!

At the beginning of the month, the Better Business Bureau published an amazing piece about Lifetree and our founder, Robin. They shared about the history of Lifetree, with a special focus on Robin and how she felt called to the ministry of adoption.

“I just had a passion and wanted to bring hope”

The story walks through Robin’s own experience adopting a child, and how that experience […]

5 great family movies about adoption

5 great family movies about adoption

It’s Christmas time, and many families look forward to lighting a fire and settling down for family movie night (if the weather ever decides to get cold enough). As we were watching the great Will Ferrell in Elf over the Thanksgiving weekend, we started thinking about other family movies that addressed adoption.

Many families find that watching movies with positive adoption messages can help […]

I got her pregnant… 6 Tips for birth fathers

I got her pregnant…
6 tips for birth fathers

You’ve just heard from your girlfriend, your wife, or your ex that she’s pregnant. You weren’t planning for a baby, and neither of you is ready. Take a deep breath – you’re probably in shock.

It’s perfectly normal to be scared or frustrated… We know it’s huge news. You don’t want to be the cliche – don’t claim that it’s not your child and don’t even […]

5 reasons pregnant women consider adoption

5 Reasons pregnant
women consider adoption

Placing a baby for adoption is an incredibly difficult decision. We talk to pregnant women all the time who have questions about adoption and how it will work. It’s important to remember that many women choose adoption – for many different reasons.

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy or you’re considering adoption, the most important thing you can do is talk to an adoption agency. Every situation is unique, […]

Considering adoption? 5 Questions to ask an adoption agency

Considering adoption?
5 questions to ask an adoption agency

If you’re pregnant and considering pacing your baby for adoption, you’re going to have a lot of questions. You can answer most of the basic questions with a little bit of Internet research, but it’s always better to get your questions answered by a real live person.

Call your local adoption agencies and ask questions – not just about the process, but about the agency. You’ll […]

6 books about adoption to read with your children

6 books about adoption to read with your children

Adoption used to be much more of a taboo subject with adopted children, with many parents deciding to keep the adoption a secret. Now, families are much more open, and most families explain the process to their children at an early age.

Still, when your child starts asking difficult questions, it can be hard to know how to explain more complicated and abstract concepts like […]

Busting a few common adoption myths

Busting common adoption myths

Unless you’ve been through the process before, adoption can be an intimidating process. Our goal at Lifetree is to make the process easier and less confusing for both birthmothers and adoptive families – so it can be the wonderful experience it’s meant to be. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions about adoption that make things more confusing.

According to a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 42% of adoptive child-parent […]

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