Busting common adoption myths
Unless you’ve been through the process before, adoption can be an intimidating process. Our goal at Lifetree is to make the process easier and less confusing for both birthmothers and adoptive families – so it can be the wonderful experience it’s meant to be. Unfortunately, there are many myths and misconceptions about adoption that make things more confusing.
According to a report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 42% of adoptive child-parent relationships are “better than ever expected.” Most people want to adopt a newborn, which is different than adopting an older child.
We’re happy to explain the process in detail – just call us any time. In the meantime, we want to dispel some of the most common misconceptions about adoption.
Myth: The only newborn babies available for adoption in the US have been exposed to drugs
Nope. There are many thousands of families every year that adopt healthy, newborn babies in the US. Most birthmothers choose adoption because they love their child and know that they don’t have the ability to provide they life they want for their baby. In many cases, the birth mother plays an active role in choosing the adoptive family.
Myth: Babies typically come from teen mothers
This one’s not true either. Most birthmothers are actually in their twenties, and many have other children. These birthmothers choose adoption because they want a better life for their baby.
Myth: The adoption process takes several years
Again, not true. Most families are able to complete their adoption in about a year – sometimes even less.
Myth: Domestic adoptions are much more difficult than international adoptions
Ask any of our many adoptive families – they’ll all tell you this isn’t true. We’ve worked with families all over the country, but most of our clients are local Dallas area residents, and most of our birthmothers are local as well.
Myth: You shouldn’t tell a child they’re adopted until they’re older
Actually, it’s important to tell your adopted child about the special path they took to become a part of your family at an early age. When you wait until your child is older, the news can come as a shock and be quite disturbing. They might feel shame or guilt, and might even resent you for not telling them the truth sooner.
If you’ve got any questions about the adoption process, please call us so we can explain everything to you. We’re available any time at 972-491-3333, or you can email us using the form on our contact page.
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