Facts about abortion
If you are considering aborting your baby, just sit back and think about your unborn baby for a while. At 21 days into your pregnancy (probably before you even realized you are pregnant), your baby already has a beating heart and at 8 weeks, your baby’s other vital organs are developed. Yes, your baby can even respond to touch at this point too. Your baby may not be breathing the same way you breathe but he/she breathes amniotic fluid…that watery stuff that surrounds your baby. Your baby sleeps, awakens, and exercises his muscles all the time. The palm when stroked can even make a tight fist. Your baby may not be big, but he/she is very much alive. What a wonderful thought to know that you have a little “adult” living inside of you!
Now picture your child being torn apart into pieces or injected with a saline solution that will stop your baby’s heart beating instantly. Better yet having his/her brains removed with a suction tube. No matter which abortion method is used, your baby never comes out in one piece; and no anesthetic was used. Any abortion method that you choose will have a lasting memory with possible health risks or other complications. Before you firmly decide on abortion, please educate yourself and make sure it’s a choice you can live with for the rest of your life. Adoption is a choice you will be able to live with and have a better outlook on life. Lifetree wants to educate you on the types of abortion procedures commonly used. After you read the following paragraphs, hopefully you will obtain a better understanding of what will take place to your body and to your unborn child.
There are several abortion procedures and each depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Let’s say that you are at least nine weeks pregnant and you have decided to terminate your baby’s life. Your doctor may choose the RU-486 Abortion Method. In this method, you will probably be given the drug Mifepristone either orally or by injection. This medication is designed to soften your uterus which allows your body to discharge your baby, as some would say “miscarry.” Effects of this procedure can include cramping, bleeding, nausea and diarrhea. In two days, you are required to return to the doctor to ensure that you did indeed miscarry. However, if this does not happen, you will be given another drug either Cytotec or Misoprostol. If either one of these drugs are not effective, you will be required to undergo a surgical abortion.
There are several different types of surgical abortion methods and you must understand each method completely before you say yes to abortion. The Suction and Aspiration Abortion Method or the Dilation and Curettage ( D&C ) Abortion Method is used if you are no more than 14 weeks pregnant. The Suction and Aspiration Abortion Method is one where your baby is sucked out of your body, usually in pieces, by a suction tube. The D&C Abortion Method is one where your baby is cut from the uterus, usually in pieces too, and pulled out of your body by the hand of your doctor.
Now let’s say you are at least 14 weeks pregnant and you have decided to terminate your baby’s life. The abortion procedure now becomes more difficult because your unborn child is now bigger and his/her bones are stronger and more developed; therefore, increasing your health risk. The abortion procedure that your doctor may choose is the Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) Abortion Method. This method is similar to the D&C Abortion Method; however, the instruments the doctor will use to cut your baby into pieces will be different. Your doctor may choose a Saline to abort your baby. This procedure is used when you are at least 16 weeks pregnant. In the Saline Abortion procedure, your doctor will remove the ammonic fluid surrounding your baby and replacing it with a strong saline solution. Your baby will breathe in the saline which will cause your baby’s heart to stop beating. Or your doctor may position the needle directly in your baby’s chest cavity and then injecting the saline causing your baby’s heart to stop beating. Or you doctor may choose the Prostaglandin Abortion procedure. In this procedure, your doctor will prescribe you a Prostaglandin pill or suppository or inject the medication directly into your womb causing you to go into labor; therefore, delivering you baby rematurely. Your baby is too premature to survive outside of your womb. Your baby will eventually be laid to rest.
Now you are into your third trimester. At this point, you are more than half way through your pregnancy! After 22 weeks into your pregnancy and you choosing to terminate your baby’s life, your doctor will probably choose the Partial Birth Abortion Method. During this Method, your doctor will grasp your baby’s legs using forceps and pull your baby’s body from the birth canal, leaving only a small portion of the baby’s head still inside the birth canal. Your doctor will then make a small incision in the lower back of your baby’s head and then insert a suction tube into your baby’s head. The contents of your baby’s head must be removed before completely removing your baby from your body. After your baby’s body is removed, your doctor will usually remove your baby’s vital organs and sale them to research clinics.
Please review each one of these procedures and evaluate what is right for you and what decision you think you will be able to live with for the rest of your life. If you should have any questions about any of these abortion techniques, please don’t hesitate to call us at 972.491.3333 or email us. Your contact with us will be completely confidential.