Waiting Parents: Joe and Kimberly
We want to begin by thanking you for this opportunity to introduce ourselves to you. We also want to let you know that we cannot begin to imagine what you are going through right now. The road that brought us each here is long and one that is not easily traveled yet here we are, together. We are immensely grateful for your courage and understand that your tremendous sacrifice is what can allow us to finally find our missing piece and expand our family.

Our Story
Kimberly is a 2nd grade teacher and recently earned her Master’s degree in Educational Administration. Joe is a registered architect with a Master’s degree in Architecture. We live in a wonderful community with our sweet little miniature schnauzer Daisy. We both graduated from Texas Tech University and still love to try and go to a football game every season! Traveling and being with friends and family are our passions and we feel blessed to have many opportunities to enjoy these things. We are growing increasingly excited each day about building our family to share these things with as well.
We first met in 2007 on a Mission Trip through our church in college. We both had a crush on one another but lost contact after graduation. Fast forward to December 2012, Joe was in Graduate School when he decided to Facebook message Kimberly to see if she would like to meet up over Christmas Break. We met for dinner and an evening of looking at Christmas lights in town. We fell for each other quickly. Joe was in graduate school in Massachusetts so we traveled back and forth for 1 year. It was some of the most amazing months filled with 4-hour long phone conversations, traveling all over the Northeast and making so many incredible memories. After dating 11 months, we got engaged and then 7 months later we were married.
Family is extremely important to both of us and we are excited about passing on love to future generations! We both believe in our hearts that God has given us a desire to be parents. When we were told by a doctor that we had less than a 5% chance of having children biologically, we both felt led by God to adopt. Our hearts are open and ready to love and nurture a child, regardless of whether or not we gave birth to them. We feel incredibly blessed to have this calling!

Kimberly says…
Joe is a genuine, warm-hearted, intelligent, funny, positive, and supportive person. From the moment we went on our first date, I was instantly attracted to his kind heart, his passion and his love for Jesus. His nieces and nephews light up when they see him walk in a room. I know he will be an amazing father! Everywhere we go, Joe seems to open my eyes to see things in a whole new perspective. His laid-back personality is a perfect match for me. He has a great sense of humor & always knows how to make me smile. Joe is one of the most dedicated and hardworking people I know. He was raised to be a leader and I love how supportive and encouraging he is with me. Joe is extremely excited about becoming a father and spoiling our children with lots of love!
Joe says…
Kimberly is such an amazing person, and she is also my best friend. From our very first date, I knew that she was the one I wanted to spend every day of my life with. She is kind-hearted, caring, funny, genuine, and is extremely thoughtful of others. She has a great personality and we share a lot of laughter together. Kimberly is very talented and she is always using her gifts and creativity in new ways whether it is decorating our home for Christmas, volunteering for church activities, or in her classroom. Kimberly loves time with family and her nieces and nephews adore her. She is an excellent teacher who dedicates herself to educating young children and creating meaningful connections with each and every student. She enjoys the positive impact her career has on others around her and she loves working with children. Kimberly was born to be a mom and I know she will be an amazing one!

Our fur baby
Daisy Mae is our miniature schnauzer! She loves playing with her teddy bear & tennis ball, cuddling with us on the couch and running to greet us each and every day when we get home!
Home Sweet Home
We live in a safe neighborhood with many fun places for children. We live right down the street from an exemplary elementary, a park with a new covered playground, tennis courts and a community pool.
Our promise to you…
What we can offer is peace and comfort knowing that your child will be very well cared for and loved. We will do any and everything in our power to ensure that they develop and grow into a successful person and go out in the world to do great things! We could never thank you enough for the greatest gift anyone could give. Our top priority will be to make sure your child will be loved, prayed for and taken care of. Both of us grew up with family surrounding us and are very grateful for it. We will ensure your baby will be surrounded by family who invest in them, just as we were as we grew up. Thank you for considering us to become the adoptive parents of your baby and for the chance at helping us become parents.